LUX Fit- Train with me!

I’m Annie, and I’d love to help you along on your fitness journey. I am a Certified Personal Trainer, through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and I have been working in the world of health/fitness for over 6 years. While I’m based in Scottsdale, AZ, I have a few different options to make this possible! Scroll down for more info to find what’s best for you.

Personal Training

This option is for all my Dallas-based friends. I offer 1:1 personal training sessions, also small-group sessions (2-5 people), for those looking for the in-person accountability, and more hands-on support. Face to face training is one of my favorite options because it allows me to work on form and technique while having first hand knowledge of the progress my clients are making. Having accountability IN the gym helps tremendously with progress, results, and building habits. Whether you’re looking for just one session a week to have a little more professional guidance in your fitness routine, or want to come five days a week… I got you! Sessions are held at Self Made Training Facility (located in Scottsdale, AZ). 

For more info and pricing on personal training sessions, fill out this application and I will get back to you within 1-3 business days to chat more about potentially working together on your fitness goals.

Online Training

This option is for anybody (Scottsdale or anywhere in the world) who’s looking for personalized programs written and programmed by me. I work with clients based on what they have available and what their goals are, whether they want to workout from home, the gym, or a little bit of both. With this option, you get a month of workouts specifically written for you, weekly check-ins with me, adjustments and changes as needed, daily contact and support from me, as well as free access to my client training app which lets you track and record your workouts so that we can ensure progress along the way. 

We also have an option to work with one of your certified LuxFIT personal trainers, Jordyn.

For more info and pricing on becoming an online training client, fill out this application and I will get back to you within 1-3 business days. 


Working with Annie has been one of the biggest blessings in my life and so different than any experience I’ve ever had. With so much different messaging in the health and fitness industry it’s hard to know what to trust and what will work for you. For as long as I can remember I was told by everyone including doctors that the solution was to just eat less, not eat carbs, sweets, etc. which was never sustainable and left me feeling sick and upset with myself for failing. From Day 1 Annie never judged the shape I was in or how much we needed to modify something based on how little endurance and strength I had. She started by seeing what my current habits were and we’ve been making small adjustments ever since. For most of my life I thought being overweight was just how it was going to be and anything else was impossible. Working with Annie for 10 weeks I’ve seen my progress and I’m amazed at the results. For the first time ever I’m seeing something sustainable work and I feel like reaching my health and fitness goals is actually possible. She’s always helping me in any way I need. She’s focused on making sure I have proper form and gives me any adjustments if I’m feeling pain in any area where I’m not supposed to. My nutrition and lifting sessions are completely customized to my goals and she’s just as invested in my success as I am. She even looked up a coffee menu at a local coffee shop for me to help me hit my macros while I still live my life. Annie has been helping me see what I’m capable of and every session I leave feeling stronger and challenged but never defeated. I cannot recommend Annie enough or say how thankful I am I met her and get to experience training with her.

-Nicole L.